Thursday 22 October 2015

Timeline for music video

Locations: School Hall, Recording Studio, George's back garden, abandoned Sixth Form Block.

Begin Filming- 7th November  

Finish Filming: 10th December 

Convert Footage to digital: 11th December 

Begin Editing:  14th December 

Finish Editing/Upload to Youtube: 21st December

Sunday 11 October 2015

costume ideas

Jangle pop is similar to the style of indie rock in the way that the band members dress. This is why we have chosen to base our costume choice off the indie rock band Bombay Bicycle Club
They wear plain unbranded shirts and t shirts and plain trousers. Our clothing choice will be similar to this band

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Testing the V/H/S camera

Today we tested the VHS camera, it worked well and added a retro effect, however we are currently waiting for the arrival of some tapes to film onto

Here is a panorama of our school hall.We will draw the stage curtains and add coloured lighting when we are filming our video

Here is George using the VHS camera

Friday 2 October 2015

Survey for audience

Create your own user feedback survey