Monday 7 September 2015

Todorov's narrative theory

Tzvetan Todorov is a Bulgarian-French literary critc. He came up with a theory known as 'Todorov's narrative theory' which examines how stories all follow the same basic structure. This theory can be applied to: films, Television, literature and even music videos.

Here is a diagram of Todorov's narrative theory.

The equilibrium is the current state of affairs. For example the first 20 minutes of a film may show the protagonist going through a normal day, before the main plot begins.

The disruption is the event that breaks the current equilibrium and triggers the plot of the film.

The resolution is the stage that often fills the most time in a film. This is where there is an attempt to repair the disruption

Restored order is the stage after the resolution where often the villain has been defeated and the characters are reminiscing on previous events.

The new equilibrium can be the same as the original equilibrium. This is the "and they all lived happily ever after" stage. It shows the characters going through their new lives.

Applying this theory to a film: 'Spider Man'

Equilibrium- Peter Parker lives with his uncle Ben and aunt May following the unseen death of his parents. He is bullied at school and cant seem to attract the attention of his love intrest, Mary Jane Watson.

Disruption- Whilst on a school field trip to a genetics lab, Peter is bitten on the hand by a radioactive spider. He falls unconscious when he arrives home and wakes up to find himself in much better physical shape and no longer needing the use of his glasses. Meanwhile Peter's best friend Harry Osbourne's father, Norman Osbourne is experimenting on himself with an unstable performance enhancing chemical vapor that increases his speed, strength, and stamina. However, it also drives him insane and he kills his assistant and adopts the Green Goblin identity.

Resolution- Spiderman must defeat the evil Green Goblin who has now begun a rampage harming everyone close to Peter. Spiderman is also put in a situation where he must choose between saving a tram car full of children or his love intrest Mary Jane. He saves them both and ends up fighting the Green Goblin in an abandoned building, where Spiderman impails him with his own glider and reveals his true identity as Norman Osbourne.

Restored Order- Peter Parker attends Norman's funeral and his friend Harry Osbourne (who doesn't know the superhero's true identity) swears vengance on Spiderman but also says that Peter is "all he has left". Peter also has to deny affection from Mary Jane as he is worried that she will become a target for his enemies.

New equilibrium- Peter accepts his role as Spiderman, and continues to act as a vigilante for New York.

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